Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone

our comfort zone is not a place
that you want to remain in. Dare,
discover, be all that you can be.”
~Catherine Pulsifer

step out of your comfort zoneStepping out of your comfort zone often makes you feel uncomfortable, afraid, and anxious. Most of us dread taking a step outside of our comfort zone as we fear the unknownWe would rather not put ourselves in situations that demand for us to be brave and courageous, since this stirs up negative feelings. Embracing change and accepting new challenges are key requirements to living an extraordinary life.  The more you support yourself with stepping out of your comfort zone, the more you will discover what truly makes you happy. What made you happy ten years ago may not necessarily make you happy today. The more you explore your options by doing new things, the more you will find fulfillment and grow (Retweet This). The only way to know the outcome of something is by taking action. Stepping out of your comfort zone will also open the door to more opportunities and success.

“Nobody ever died of discomfort, yet living in
the name of comfort has killed more ideas,
more opportunities, more actions, and more
growth than everything else combined.
Comfort Kills!
~Harv Eker

A few weeks ago, I had to step out of my comfort zone when I attended a social media workshop sponsored by Star 99.1. Before the meeting, I never would have imagined that I would be chosen from a raffle to talk about my business, NormaLight, LLC. I was one of five people chosen out of over 100 people. This was a great opportunity for me to network with other business owners. After my name was randomly picked, I was completely surprised and very nervous. I could have let my discomfort stop me, but that was not an option. Over the years I accepted that I was initially going to feel uncomfortable, but I moved forward anyway. I told everyone about my business and how passionate I was about helping millions of people to heal. I spoke for about three minutes. During that time, I was so nervous but I managed to speak from my heart. The results were positive! I was asked to do a seminar for an organization in July, as well as being offered other opportunities. Stepping out of my comfort zone was a richly rewarding experience. If I did not step out of my comfort zone, then I would have missed out on the opportunity to help more people to heal.

What is stopping you from stepping out of your comfort zone? Why not move through those uncomfortable feelings and do it anyway? Anyone who is successful had to move through their negative feelings, too. The more times you step out of your comfort zone, the easier this will get. The benefits from doing this will be well worth the temporary discomfort! What would you like to do that you keep putting off? Write that down, along with the action steps you are going to take. Then start today to take one step at a time. You can do it!

(Note: If you are going through a difficult situation, then take action when you are ready.)

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